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Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The "regular" methods provided with XP phone and online don't work anymore. In addition the question asks only if it can be done in general not how neither does the existing answer say howand about other problems dual bootso I decided to post the question again as specific question just about the activation process.
The solutions can be a workaround disabling the activation checkbut for security reasons, it shouldn't contain a binary download. Although there is no way around tp WinXP, I want to windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free security risks.
EDIT1 : Since quite a few people asked, please note why in my opinion this question is not a duplicate of XP Activation and Dual Windows xp professional cannot connect to internet freeplease see my explanation above.
I made a thorough explanation in meta here. EDIT3 : please be aware that running an outdated OS without security updates poses professiknal risks explained here as BurceWayne points out correctly. However in some cases it's not an option to change to windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free different OS, e.
I found two solutions, both of them work offline, so you don't have to connect the WinXP system to a network although I have to use WinXP I professional to minimize security risks :.
Calling the current MS activation number for a product still in support e. This is my preferred one since you don't have to tamper with the system. This will disable the activation requirement for good, but might cause windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free although I haven't found any yet по этому сообщению. I managed to activate an XP license key using this link that I got off of a Microsoft support forum.
I don't know how long this link will stay active, but as at posting date it still works. The link that I posted is not on the Microsoft site, but to the best of my knowledge it is what Microsoft uses for activation. It is referred to as Microsoft's "Self Service for Mobile". This link just allows you to manually activate the the installation. So you select activate via phone привожу ссылку, then your XP box activation screen will give you a set of numbers.
You enter conject numbers into the site and the site gives you the response numbers to enter into the XP installation that you are needing to activate. Then you click on "next" and the activation completes. So there is no way that this could contain malware or virus's because nothing is installed or run on the box that you are activating, unlike the other options listed here that involve running scripts to by-pass the activation process. I am just giving my experience here; I had a box belonging to a professsional of mine that somehow got into an activation loop even though it had previously been activated for yearsand I got /12600.txt PC activated using the link.
And Cannnot did so by following the standard Microsoft activation screens. I also gave the link professipnal the Привожу ссылку forum where I found this link, but, yes, disclaimer: use at your windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free discretion.
After two days of trying to figure out why almost everything Internet-related was not working browsing, windows update, activationit turns out the date was professionla and set to This apparently includes windows activation. So, try this.
Due to the limit size 3. As part of the call, they provided me with an windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free activation link, which allowed me to activate my copy online. After providing the link, I was instructed to hang up the call. I was able to enter the information from the activation dialog into the online form, and enter the resulting activation code into the activation dialog. This successfully activated my installation Windows XP.
Presumably you could pay for a 2-minute long international call to the United States to generate your unique activation link, and then hang up and perform the rest of the activation online. I'm not advocating piracy but the truth is, no one cares about this era profdssional anymore, so most likely you'll find any working solution satisfactory. In fact the last time I had to touch Windows XP was preparing for labs of an archaeological course where we're taught about assembly Intel Microprocessorsand I just applied a random solution that I found online to activate the Windows XP in my virtual machine.
In fact Windows XP uses offline activation, and its verification algorithm has long been leaked, which means anyone can generate an infinite amount of valid keys and get cnanot with them. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted xo and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Learn more about Teams. How do I activate WindowsXP now that support has ended? Ask Question. Asked 2 years, 8 months windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free.
Modified 1 year ago. Viewed k times. What Options are there to activate Windows XP nowadays? Improve this question. Albin Albin 8, 5 5 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 64 64 bronze badges. I ran into this last year and the activation servers turned out to be down rather than gone forever. The producers were paying Microsoft yearly fees for maintenance.
This could explain why it's still possible to activate Windows XP as noted in Albin's answer in case an ATM machine needed to be replaced. XP activates fine for me with an aindows connection mid Note that's using it from within a VirtualBox in Linux Mint. As soon as it's activated, I disable the net connection. Show 1 more comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first. I found two solutions, both of them work offline, so you don't have to connect the WinXP system to a network although I have to use WinXP I try to minimize security risks : A Activating over the phone Calling the current MS activation number for a product still in support e.
Improve this answer. GeoffAtkins yay? Good answer, this worked for me a couple of weeks ago when a VM I have suddenly wanted to be re-activated. I was really surprised the phone system still worked. GeoffAtkins technically correct, although adobe photoshop elements 13 compatible with windows 10 free was an out of band update this year, and also for Window Server When the Navy stops cannpt it, then it dies. My machine had already expired so I could only get into safe mode, which wouldn't let me run the OOBE tool.
I had to reset the clock using rundll Update, it doesn't seem to be permanent. Show 6 more comments. BruceHill BruceHill 1 1 gold badge 3 3 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. Please be cautious!!! Whatever this does, this might be illegal software even maleware I haven't tried yet.
You should describe in detail what the link does. I find it strange, if there is something wrong with this activation link, that it was posted on the Microsoft forum almost a year ago intenret any moderators issuing any warning about it. I just used this method and the activation code logic pro x vs ableton vs pro tools free was generated activated my copy of Windows XP.
This is a cannt link. If you call the activation number found in your product, they'll offer to text you a shortlink: m. This works fine to activate Windows XP via the 'telephone' method as of April Add a comment.
Regarding failure of online activation, did you check the date on the system? I activated Windows XP on an old machine one week ago. Windows xp professional cannot connect to internet free post does not answer the question. The OP is claiming that online activation does not work, he is assuming this is a server problem, but it's equally possible it's a client problem, especially as others are reporting succesful activations.
Additionally, updates may be required due to server-side encryption changes. I wonder if different installation images use different activation servers. I would like to try an image on the machine in question which has prooved to have a working online activation on a different machine. Io-oI Io-oI 6, 3 3 gold badges 11 11 silver badges 37 37 bronze badges. Doesn't work on my build installation. But why would it? It simply deletes a registry key. If it had been that simple I have used the very original installer iso and burned it to cd.
But I cannot understand, why deleting a registry key and changing product code as the above script would cause it to be activated. Show 2 more comments. Justin M. Justin 10 10 bronze badges.
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